Friday, April 30, 2021

What's Up with America

It is not my intention to embarrass or offend anyone but I do need to vent a little. Over the last few years it has become apparent that normal conversation has gone out the window and replaced by single-minded agenda driven intercourse on both sides.

My question did we get here? As a democratic experiment, we were supposed to be an all-inclusive force of humanity that recognized that we, as a people, were a mixed bag of cultures sworn to rid ourselves of Monarchy's and serfdoms. Yet we, over a couple of hundred years, have gradually returned to our European roots like a boomerang to the thrower.

What I see, currently, is an over-reaching government (mostly National and State) that wants to push its agenda over the wants and needs of the average citizen who put them in that position. We have seen Presidents and Governors wearing out their supply of pens writing volumes of edicts from on high like kings to their subjects.

I believe this truly defies our Constitution we supposedly relish so much and cite whenever things go awry. Yet, those that do get on Fox or CNN, only push their interpretation to satisfy the moment. And, lately, their have been lots of those moments. The 24 hour news cycle brings us new crisis and concerns, it seems, every moment of every day. Its a never ending parade of shootings, riots and mayhem the likes we've never seen. It certainly gives one pause to see so much trouble in the world with no end in sight.

And I think that's the problem. How can we possibly make sense of a situation when we're constantly bombarded with TV news, Facebook updates, Tweets, text messages, FaceTime and YouTube videos to distract us from what's important. We are humans with inherent bias's and a trunk full of baggage we carry around with us that color everything we see and hear.

I want to know why we still struggle with accepting people of color and other cultures. When did being a Caucasian American be the select race or culture? Why do we still accept laws which demean or put-down other races? Why do we try to limit access to government or resources based on gender and race?

Lincoln tried to bring America together after the Civil War but after he was gone, many, North and South, still worked very hard to keep people of color down even as far as denying immigrants entry into our country (the Chinese Exclusion Act 1882), the incarceration of Japanese Americans (yep, already citizens) in World War Two and other Acts to deny access to America because they were considered by the Caucasian Americans as "undesirable" or "enemies of the State".

Our Eurocentric attitudes still permeate America and its government everyday. Please don't try to tell me we're somehow "protecting" America's values or culture. Folks...there is no such thing. ALL OF US, came from foreign lands to settle here and no amount of time can pass to nullify our immigrant histories (and don't get me started on how early homo sapiens emanating from what is now the Middle East were NOT Caucasian (yep, dark skinned folks). The only exception are Native Americans who we did an exceptional job of "discovering" (i.e. invading) then subjugating the actual "owners" of North America by trick and deceit. Something we "apologize" for in hushed tones but still continue to ignore a people we have sentenced to poverty and sub-standard living arrangements on Reservations which, in many cases, are treeless wastelands which are incapable of growing crops or supply enough water to drink.

All of these things we do to people where "all men are created equal" (Thomas Jefferson, July 1776, second paragraph). Apparently equal only if you're Caucasian, go to right church, are wealthy and vote a certain way. And don't whine about the evil one or two percent of the wealthy. Hey, through our unabashed consumerism, we made them that wealthy. We have only ourselves to blame for that. And I do think we have a right to ask they pass some of that wealth around in the way of better pay and working conditions which, in the long run, would allow more upward mobility to those who work hard to support their friends and families. That's an American Dream we can all strive for.

I want to say emphatically...I reject all of that. I am a firm believer that this country's foundation is beholding to immigrants of many nations and we should never forget that. Nor should we discount women's roles in that endeavor. Why then are women treated so differently? Why don't they get paid the same as their male counterparts? Why are women's credentials and abilities ignored in favor of male proposals and ideas? Pure sexism...that's how. Somehow, women too have been minimalized by white males for centuries yet they, like people of color, have persevered through the ages creating life, running homes, raising generations of children, running circles around their male counterparts (see Simone Biles and the ENTIRE American Women's Soccer Team). We owe it to them to get the Equal Rights Amendment ratified (Holy Cow! How has THAT not happened yet?).

Bottom line to my rant, why can't we stop all this nonsense and get back to a real Democratic-Republic (yeah...we're not a pure Democracy folks. Where everybody can be safe in their homes with heat (sorry Texas), food and an equitable education for everybody. We can't keep America, America without inclusiveness IS un-American. Until that day, we will NOT be in a position to criticize or hold other Nations accountable. We need to make these changes and make them NOW, not a Presidential term from now.