Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Washington Rebuttal

One of my personal heros is my former partner, world traveler and co-hort Dana Gassaway. He also reads this blog and in doing so took exception to my D.C. posting about the depiction of his "Road Trip" haydays. I am here to set the record straight. In my ceaseless efforts to be fair and balanced, I wish to post his "Letter to the Editor" in full and my response:

Dana standing on another rock
Gassaway's Adventures  has left a new comment on your post "Washington, D.C.":

"After reading your latest entry on your blog, I felt compelled to respond to your comments about my prowess in garnering investigative trips across the land.  Although most of what you said is true, especially the part about me being a legend, there were several errors that I feel must be corrected for your readers.  We wouldn’t want them to get the wrong idea, now would we?

I have never been to Nome, Alaska, but I did manage to spend 4 days in Ketchikan at a training conference at which I was paid for speaking.  Also the Miami Beach extradition never occurred.  Perhaps you confused it with the extradition to Maui (emphasis is mine).  Not wanting to waste the free airfare for my ticket, I actually paid for my wife’s ticket and we spent a week on the beach using some vacation time.  A little R&R was well deserved for my investigative skills in knowing to wait until the crook was in the State of Hawaii before notifying the local authorities.

Yes, there were lots of road trips, but not all to garden spots.  How about Yuma, AZ Williston, ND, Lovelock, NV not to mention scores of trips up the coast LA.  That’s not to say other trips weren’t to some pretty nice places, but hey, someone had to do it."

My response:

Ok....Let me see if I've got this right. You commented on my blog to verify you have been to all kinds of cool places on the company dime and that you're a legend. And that you've also invited your wife along on your "work related" trips. Oh yeah, you've never been to Nome. I stand corrected....I think.

Thanks for the correction. Message received. I think the statute of limitations may be up on these too.


  1. I'm glad I could give you the fodder for another post on your blog. Hey, that gives me an idea!

  2. Nick- If you want to blog about unusual trips, didn't you once fly in the basket of a Bell 47 helicopter from El Cajon to Vista, Ca?
