Udvar-Hazy is the leading donor to
the National Air and Space Museum Capital Campaign. In October 1999, Udvar-Hazy donated $60 million to the National Air
and Space Museum. The entire gift, the single largest donation in the 153-year history of the Smithsonian, was
made to go toward construction of the Udvar-Hazy Center scheduled to open in
December 2003 on the centennial of the Wright brothers' flight at Kitty Hawk,
Folks, this thing is huge. Standing on one end of the main
display area, it seems to follow the curvature of the Earth. You can’t see
the other end until you climb up the elevated walkway, which runs the entire
length of the two hangars. Way cool feature. It gets you up about two stories
and is handicap accessible so you can look down onto the aircraft, some at eye
level. Then there’s all the aircraft hanging from the ceiling in flight
configuration as though they were swooping and flying overhead.
There are the treasures of flight like the SR-71 Blackbird, the original Boeing 367-80, which became the commercial 707 passenger airliner, the Concorde is here and the Enola Gay, the B-29 that dropped the first nuclear weapon in wartime.
But the big one everybody was there to see was the Space Shuttle Discovery. It sits proudly and center stage among all the space exhibits in the James McDonnell Space Hangar. Enterprise used to be there but when they retired all the shuttles, it was decided that Discovery would replace it. Discovery had flown the most number of missions (39), put up the Hubble Space Telescope, did the bulk of the heavy lifting to put the International Space Station together and put John Glenn (77) back into space to do research.
For those who didn't know how your tax dollars were being spent, Senator Glenn conducted a series of experiments sponsored by NASA and the National Institute on
Aging during the STS-95 mission. The investigations gathered information, which
may provide a model system to help scientists interested in understanding aging.
Some of these similarities include bone and muscle loss, balance disorders and
sleep disturbances. Data provided from Glenn during this mission was compared
to data obtained from Glenn's Friendship 7 orbital mission in 1962 (yeah…right,
what a boondoggle).
A note about naming of the shuttles. Enterprise, designated OV(Orbital Vehicle)-101, was originally planned to be named Constitution. A letter-writing campaign by Trekkies to President Gerald Ford asked that the orbiter be named after the Starship Enterprise, featured on the television show Star Trek. Ford never actually acknowledged the campaign but liked the idea and NASA made the change.
Enterprise was not
a spaceflight-worthy ship. It was designed to only fly test flights within the
atmosphere. It did not have the famous thermal tiles to keep it from burning up
on re-entry. It was a test platform for the hair-raising final 30 minutes of
unpowered gliding back to landing sites at Kennedy Space Center and Edwards Air
Force Base in California and to test the fit of the spacecraft to the shuttle
booster on the pad.
The other shuttles were named after famous Naval exploration
ships. Columbia was a U.S. Naval
Frigate that circumnavigated the globe in 1836, Challenger explored the Atlantic and Pacific for four years beginning
in 1872, Discovery was a British ship that Henry Hudson used to explore
Hudson Bay. It is also the name of a ship James Cook used on his final major voyage from 1776 to 1779. Atlantis was a research vessel used by
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (the folks that brought you the Titanic)
between 1930 and 1966. Endeavor is
named after another British ship James Cook sailed to the South Pacific in 1768
to document Venus passing between the Earth and the Sun. Ok…kind of boring but
sometimes history is just that.
The tuxedo-like attire for the shuttle contains the black tiles
(24,000 mostly custom cut to a particular location!) which can sustain up to
3000 degrees of re-entry heat and the white areas are primarily Flexible Insulation Blankets (FIB), a quilted,
flexible blanket-like surface insulation used where re-entry temperature is
below 649 °C (1,200 °F). The leading wing edges and nose section contain reinforced
carbon-carbon panels used where re-entry temperature exceeds 1,260 °C (2,300
°F). This was the stuff that was breached on Columbia by the infamous foam insulation chunk off of the fuel tank
during launch causing that disaster.
The space shuttle itself comprises a number of different
elements: the orbiter, which holds the astronauts and mission payload; the
space shuttle main engines; the external fuel tank; and the solid rocket
boosters. The shuttle is assembled from more than 2.5 million parts, 230 miles
of wire, 1,060 valves, and 1,440 circuit breakers. Weighing approximately 4.5
million pounds at launch, the Space Shuttle accelerates to an orbital velocity
of 17,500 miles per hour—25 times faster than the speed of sound—in just over
eight minutes. This all conceived in the 70’s, built in the 80’s (hey…remember,
no cell phones or even laptops back then) and flew pretty successfully for 30 years.
Not bad.
I have to say…when
you watch the flights on TV you never get the size or scope of things. My 50
inch Plasma cannot do this thing justice. When you’re in the room, it’s this
giant delta winged monster that rises up from the nose wheel and dominates the
room. Interestingly, it’s smaller than the 747 that carried it back and forth
from coast-to-coast, but maybe it’s the size of its contribution to space
exploration and place in history as the most complex piece of machinery ever
built by man.
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